Your Calendar Is Filling Up Fast—But Is There Space for You?
We often hear about the importance of self-care, but how many of us actually practice replenishing our own cup?
How many of us feel guilty for taking time for ourselves or spending money solely on our own happiness?
It’s disheartening that many of us view personal time as an indulgence, something we squeeze in only after everyone else's needs are met.
How often do you catch yourself saying, "When I get time, I’ll…" or "Once I’ve finished everything on my to-do list, then I’ll…"? These casual thoughts subtly reinforce the belief that your needs come last.

While it’s natural to prioritize responsibilities like caring for family or maintaining financial stability, it’s equally important to value your own well-being.
If putting yourself first feels uncomfortable, start by viewing your needs as equally important. You can't pour from an empty cup, and neglecting your own well-being only diminishes your capacity to support others.
I learned this firsthand while transitioning from multiple jobs to running my own business. I juggled a job that paid the bills but left me unfulfilled, another that I enjoyed but didn’t feel authentic in, and the overwhelming task of building a business—learning new skills, managing social media, and nurturing client relationships. Add in daily life—managing a home, relationships, friendships—and it’s no surprise I felt drained. My patience wore thin, sleep suffered, and both my personal and professional life began to slip. Something had to give. Prioritizing my own welfare wasn’t optional; it was essential. By realigning my priorities, I eventually found balance and now stand proudly 100% self-employed.
So, how do you start filling your own cup?
Here’s what works for me:
Identify Your Non-Negotiables: These are the foundational practices that keep you grounded. For me, it’s getting plenty of sleep, walking in nature, and meditating.
Add Gifts to Your Soul: These are regular treats that help you feel whole. Prioritize self-care like Reiki, massages, reflexology, cinema, theatre trips, yoga—whatever nurtures your well-being.
Sprinkle in Joyful Extras: Embrace activities that might seem "unproductive" but nourish your soul. I love lying in my hammock, reading for pleasure (not just education), and being creative just for the joy of it.
Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. Recently, I treated myself to a solo cinema trip on a quiet Monday afternoon. I ordered a hot drink, some food, and nearly had the entire place to myself. It was blissful. Those moments of peace remind me that I’m worth it—and so are you.
I encourage you to carve out dedicated "me time" in your schedule. I call mine "K Days." The more you prioritize these moments, the better equipped you'll be to handle life’s busier seasons.
Being what we perceive as "unproductive" for a day is just as crucial as crossing off every task on your to-do list.
So, take a moment to reflect. What fills your cup? What’s missing? Is it possible to add these things you need?
Sketch it out, write it down, or simply visualize it. Be kind to yourself.
We’re all works in progress, and you deserve to feel whole and fulfilled. Remember, by filling your own cup first, you allow it to overflow—spreading patience, compassion, and joy to those around you.
With love and compassion,
Karen 🌿
This is exactly what I needed to read, with perfect timing. Thank you, Karen