Imagine you're at a crossroads in a wood, (with no map) and you have no idea which direction to go in. What will you do to make a decision? Look at a the sun? Flip a coin? Ask your walking partner? Turn around? Or, will you use your intuition?
All decisions are like this, they may involve risk, chance, luck or judgment. But decisions are part of life and will always come up.
When we have a big decision or choice to make we often look for the answers outside of ourselves.
We may ask our friends or family their opinion.
We may look for signs or wait for the answers to come.
We may take a long time to reach a decision, over thinking every scenario or option available to us. This may involve pre guessing what an outcome may be, or even all the possible tangible permutations of what we may do. Tying our brains in knots over what may happen if we do x, y or z.
Apart from this last option being exhausting, we need to find a way to be able to make our decisions peacefully, within ourselves.

Rather than looking outside ourselves for answers, often we have them, all along, in our own inner knowing.
When making decisions for myself, or wanting an answer to something, I will always use my intuition.
I'm often asked,
'How do you develop your intuition?' or 'How do you instinctively know what to do?'
Let me share a few things on this subject with you and hopefully, give you an insight into how to develop your own intuition. My hope for you, is that your own decision making may become a smoother, more natural process.
1. Before you ask yourself a question ground yourself.
How do you do this?
Breathe, do a breathing exercise that allows you to slow down and calm your mind.
Go into nature and feel the earth beneath your feet. Imagine your feet on the earth, even if you are indoors or in shoes, imagine that connection with Mother earth, feel that pull of the earth's energy beneath you.
Use all your senses. Think, what can I hear, see, smell, taste and touch? This connects you to your body and brings you to the present moment.
2. Sometimes a quick reaction to something is the right one.
Have you ever had a knee jerk reaction to something? Sometimes, this can have consequences but some of my best decisions have been the quick ones, not the ones I've labored over or thought about for weeks, months even. So, don't be put off if a decision comes to you immediately, even if you think 'where did that come from?' It may just be the perfect answer because it was a natural reaction. When we involve our heads, our rational mind, our complex thought process, we can cloud a natural instinctive answer that was the very first one that came to you.
3. Listen to your body to let you know if something is right or wrong.
How does your belly feel? There's a reason it's called a 'gut' reaction. We make serotonin in our gut, our 'happy hormone' which is released when we are happy. So, if it feels good it probably is. The gut-brain connection makes it possible for emotional experiences to register as gastrointestinal distress. When you feel anxious, fearful, or certain that something’s wrong, you might experience stomach twinges, pain, or nausea. Try scanning your body for clues, listen to what it has to say.
4. 'Sit with it.'
When you're faced with a conundrum or even a simple choice sit and be with the issue. Meditation allows your mind to slow down and enables you to think clearer. So, use your meditation practice as a chance to clear your mind and have compassionate enquiry about your issue.
There's also a reason we are advised to 'sleep on it.' This allows your brain to process what has gone that day and this alone may give you the space to think clearer.
5. Accept the outcome.
Better to make a decision and move in action than to stay stuck. Yes, sometimes you may feel like your intuition was 'off' because the result wasn't what you'd hoped for. But indecision can induce anxiety, cause lack of sleep and mean you end up frustrated. So be pleased you acted on your intuition and accept whatever the outcome. Acceptance comes with knowing you did the best thing at the time with the information you had.
6. Learn to trust yourself.
Only you know what is right for you. Sometimes it's best to block out the external validation, stop weighing it all up and go with what you want to do. Start trusting your own inner voice and know that whatever the outcome, all will be OK. Having faith in your instinct strengthens your ability to follow your intuition.
Remember, there are times when you just know.
When a place, a person, or a decision feels right.
Learn to trust this feeling and go with it.
Because when something 'feels right' this is your gut speaking to you.
Tune into your body and listen to what it has to say.
Learn to trust your inner Buddha, 'sit with it' and go with what you feel is right, knowing you'll be OK no matter what.
If you feel like you need more help with this, I invite you to work with me in person.
Get clear on what it is you truly want and take the steps you need to take to make it happen.
With loving compassion,
Really interesting post, thanks for the insights